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What's Up Dog: Stuffed Seals & Slow Living with Jimi the Shih Tzu

Meet Jimi, the 8-year-old Shih Tzu with a personality as unique as his name. Living in the heart of Brussels with his owner, Maud, a talented clothing designer, Jimi is the epitome of chill. Described by Maud as comprehensive, slow—really slow—and trustful, Jimi's laid-back attitude is infectious.

If Jimi could talk, his mantra would be simple: "There is nothing else to do but to contemplate the world, baby." This laid-back Shih Tzu seems to have life all figured out, spending his days in quiet contemplation and gentle strolls through the forest.

But don't let his relaxed demeanor fool you—there's a mysterious side to Jimi. Maude jokes that if he had a job, Jimi could either be a peaceful bus driver or a secret mafia boss. It's this enigmatic nature that adds to his charm. When Jimi wants attention, he has a hilarious way of getting it. He'll stare at Maude with such intensity that there's no escaping his gaze. He knows he's got her wrapped around his little paw!

Jimi's guilty pleasure? Well, that's a secret Maud prefers to keep under wraps, but she assures us it's quite gross! When it comes to tricks, Jimi isn't much of a performer. In fact, his reluctance to cooperate only fuels Maud's mafia boss theory. However, he occasionally surprises her with a high-five, just to keep things interesting.

Jimi's favorite toy is a small stuffed seal. It's the one thing he can't live without, and he takes it everywhere. As for his health, Maud is a devoted dog mom. She cuddles Jimi daily, checking for any signs of discomfort or itching. She feeds him a special diet that includes his favorite veggie, fennel, and uses top-notch grooming products, including a fantastic paw balm.

Living a balanced life is essential for Jimi, and Maud ensures he gets a good trim every four months and daily walks in the forest. These walks are a cherished part of their routine and a perfect way for Jimi to connect with nature.

Maud has a piece of advice for all dog owners: "If you open your heart to your animal, they will take you on the best relationship you've ever experienced. Then, all the duties transform into pleasure and add extra joy to your life!"

Jimi's story is a reminder of the special bond between a dog and their owner. Whether he's contemplating life's mysteries or playfully hinting at a secret life of crime, Jimi is living his best life in Brussels with Maud by his side.